30 Essential Foods That Unclog Arteries To Incorporate In Your Daily Diet

March 17, 2022 • By Patricia Johnson

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Foods That Unclog Arteries

Atherosclerosis is a form of cardiovascular disease that affects the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system, especially the arteries. It is a disorder that slowly but surely disrupts the function of the arteries and thus, the most vital functions of the heart and brain as well. Plagued arteries do not carry adequate blood flow to the brain and heart and therefore result in fatal strokes and heart attacks.   The precision of female hormone testing varies depending on the specific test used, the woman's hormone levels, and the laboratory conducting the test. They are very accurate if performed correctly by an experienced laboratory.

Proper nutrition is crucial because having clogged arteries require discipline.

In order to make your diet easier and more proper, I advise you to include this rich list of beneficial foods for arterial wall damage.

Top 30 foods for the perfect functioning of your organism and clearing arteries.

Clean Arteries With Apple Cider Vinegar

The good, old apple cider vinegar is not science fiction, but a part of every cabinet at home. Its naturalness is a real touch with nature. A good ratio should be found for its use in order not to damage your teeth or your stomach, etc. Other risk factors such as triglycerides, high blood pressure and high blood sugar should be considered in the fight against atherosclerosis - all that can be regulated by balanced and regular use of apple cider vinegar. This supplement also positively affects lipid status.

Idea: Always consume apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach, or half an hour before lunch or dinner. Add about 2-3 tablespoons in 100 ml and consume it on a regular basis.

Foods That Clear Arteries

Arteries cleansing with a well-balanced diet is a real enjoyment directly from Mother Nature. Make changes to your diet that will exclude foods at the expense of the gifts of nature that participate in the daily hygiene of the arteries. These include most fruits and vegetables such as pomegranate, apple, berries, citrus, cruciferous and leafy vegetables, followed by healthy oils such as canola and olive oil; seafood; healthy desserts such as chocolate and cocoa, and of course, the enjoyment of coffee is not excluded. Follow the detailed list of foods that unclog arteries naturally and effectively in the arteries.

30 Foods That Unclog Arteries

Food is poison and medicine at the same time, is the good old wisdom from our ancestors. They knew exactly how to use the food in a good way. Here are some food categories such as vegetables, fruits, seeds, etc., which in the fight against clogged arteries act as remedies for you.

1. Berries

These small, juicy, rounded, colored, seeded or not, sour or sherry fruits are a package of multivitamins, minerals, antioxidants that meet the body's needs to deal with heart issues, stimulate the body to provide protection to the cardiovascular system. Berries as clear arteries food directly affect inflammation of the cardiovascular system, including the arteries. The impressive nutritional value of the berry juice helps to dissolve the plague and prevent cell damage. The overall benefits are enormous, in a way that the risks of a severe stroke or a heart attack are reduced by improving LDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, and blood sugar.

2. Watermelon

Watermelon is a whole-body cleanser. It is good for optimizing the blood flow through arteries and stimulating the production of nitric oxide.

3. Persimmons

This fruit is a sweet and healthy pleasure and has an abundance of vitamins A and C. Also, the accumulation of manganese is prominent that helps a great deal in the fight against blood clots. The risk of heart attack will be significantly reduced with persimmons in the regular diet.

4. Apple

Every time I remember I have to eat an apple today I always repeat the cute saying “one apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Antioxidants in apples such as Catechin, Quercetin, Florizin, and Chlorogenic acid have anti-inflammatory effects, improve high blood pressure, while pectin helps to balance cholesterol. In total, the health-packed apple contributes to atherosclerosis prevention.

5. Citrus fruits

Flavonoids are a group of plant, bioactive secondary metabolites important for a range of health benefits with a particular focus on atherosclerosis, its development and progression. Flavonoids are especially emphasized in citrus fruits. These citrus flavonoids do not allow free radicals to oxidize the bad cholesterol that is a risk factor for atherosclerosis. Moreover, vitamin C and the abundance of antioxidants are important for the health of the arterial walls, which if accumulated may cause heart disease and heart attack.

6. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a MUST practice in your diet for a healthy life - it is simply the savior of your heart. The most powerful antioxidants are accumulated in the pomegranate that bombards the free radicals in the human body. In addition to preventing atherosclerosis and slowing down the progression of the disease, it fights the hardening of the arteries, too. Antioxidants stimulate nitric oxide in the body which plays a role in the proper blood flow through the arteries.

7. Avocado

Avocado is a fruit that has a versatile benefit on the human body. There is simply nothing that is useless about it, or that would harm your body. So it is with the benefits of avocado on the arteries. Firstly, avocados boost good cholesterol, while lowering bad cholesterol. Secondly, the avocado outperforms the banana in terms of potassium content, whose role in preserving the arteries is leading.

8. Tomato

If it is really true that the food (fruits and vegetables) that resembles some human organs are good for those same organs, then I would agree that the tomato is great for heart health. If cut horizontally it resembles a heart with ventricles and atria. Interesting, right! Not to mention the scientific studies that have really confirmed the beneficial and nutritional effects of tomatoes on heart health. The carotenoid pigment lycopene regulates heart function and organs through the regulation of the lipid profile and soluble vasomotor biomarkers associated with the onset and progression of atherosclerosis. Lycopene reduces inflammation of the cardiovascular system, stimulates the good at the expense of bad cholesterol, cleanses blood vessels, etc. According to a study of 40 participants, the consumption of a tomato sauce with virgin olive oil is the most effective formula for the fight against clogged arteries, even a level above the consumption of raw tomato.

9. Beets

Beetroot is very low in calories, rich in minerals and vitamins, but indescribably useful for blood flow through the blood vessels because of the molecule that is responsible for this property. Nitrates in beets are important molecules that are converted to nitric oxides - an oxide that relaxes blood vessels and normalizes their inflammation improves blood flow through blood vessels and consequently regulates high blood pressure. Nitrate is essential for the health of the heart muscle, the heart system, and everything that contributes to the onset and development of atherosclerosis and the consequent death as a result of it.

10. Onions

Onion, is a vegetable of the Allium group, rich in sulfur elements and compounds that have significant benefits for the whole organism. When it comes to atherosclerosis, there is much to say about this available vegetable that is used daily in the diet. Namely, sulfur compounds do not allow inflammatory processes to develop in the entire blood vessels in the human body, then prevent clotting in the blood. During the extremely important studies regarding the intake of Allium vegetables, it has been proven that onions reduce mortality caused by atherosclerosis.

11. Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables have so few calories and an impressively rich nutritional profile. I'm afraid to say that these vegetables are underrated. However, I emphasize that the nutrients and bioactive compounds in these vegetables slow down the progression of atherosclerosis, i.e. prevent the onset of the disease. In a study of 1,500 women, a diet rich in cruciferous plants found that lower carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) was the cause. Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and other vegetables of this type prevent the accumulation of calcium in the arteries, and generally, death is caused by diagnosed atherosclerosis.

12. Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables are not excluded when it comes to accumulated arteries and the prevention of atherosclerosis. Here, there are so many to list, such as kale, arugula, Swiss chard, lettuces, spinach and etc. In addition to minerals, vitamins, and iron, which are abundant in leafy vegetables, potassium must be mentioned. The potassium prevents calcification of arteries, and thus  contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis. Also, the natural form of nitrates in leafy vegetables contributes to the formation of nitric oxide (which I mentioned above). Nitric oxide is crucial for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, up to 15.8% according to the conclusion of studies on the consumption of leafy vegetables.

13. Seaweed

Seaweed salad combined with a piece of salmon or mackerel is a bomb of vitamins, minerals, anticancer and anti-inflammatory molecules, carotenoids and proteins to balance high blood pressure and varicose veins, and anything else that can further threaten atherosclerosis.

14. Asparagus

Asparagus is as beneficial for cardiovascular health as it looks good and tempting in various dishes. It is “ ointment” for inflamed blood vessels and excessive cholesterol in the blood, conditions that create a favorable environment for onset of atherosclerosis.

15. Beans

Beans differ from other legumes in the way that they are too rich in dietary fiber which is important for a healthy heart. The first reason is that it balances the levels of both cholesterols and their deposition in the arteries. If you practice regular consumption of beans, this practice will certainly improve the overall function of the cardiovascular system, in terms of the reasons for atherosclerosis onset like high blood pressure, healthy arteries, type 2 diabetes, and the condition itself.

16. Whole grain cereals

Again, like many of the foods mentioned above, the richness of dietary fiber in cereals helps the health of the heart. Moreover, a diet rich in whole grains contributes to thinner carotid artery walls so that blood flow to the brain can be optimized. Otherwise, the chances of heart attack or stroke are very high as a consequence of the thickening of carotid arteries.

17. Oats

The importance of oats in the fight against clogged arteries and the risks associated with it, has to do with many aspects of their nutritive values. Oats help to prevent inflammatory proteins - cytokines with the help of powerful avenanthramides, and adhesion molecules. Oatmeal stimulates the increase of the delivery of oxygen to the heart in the case of atherosclerosis.

18. Nuts

The consumption of nuts should not be compromised. They are a great alternative to snacks for diabetics since nuts significantly reduce blood sugar, optimize the function of arteries, and hence reduce the risk of clogging and hardening. Nuts and seeds are so small but so powerful in their role. Magnesium in nuts does not allow the deposition to occur in the arteries. Eat a handful of hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios if not daily, at least three times a week.

19. Flaxseed

Similar to nuts, flaxseed is the big wheel of healthy nutrition. Flaxseed reduces and prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries. In atherosclerosis, the strength of the small seed is secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG), which is responsible for the processes in the arteries in the fight against plague in the arteries.

20. Fatty fish

Fatty fish and seafood are a superfood when atherosclerosis is at stake. In a study, it was concluded that participants who ate more fatty fish per week than those who ate less, or in other words, 13.3% of those who ate less fish, developed atherosclerosis, compared with 6.6% of those who ate more fish, developed atherosclerosis. Omega 3 fatty acids in seafood are the best value for the heart and its entire system. If the expression of cell adhesive molecules is increased in case of inflammation, thus a favorable environment for the development of atherosclerosis will be likely created. Omega 3 fatty acids deal with excess triglycerides and reduce the chances of dying from a heart attack. Let me remind you that eating fresh fish is not comparable to any fish-based supplement when you want to help yourself substantially to the problem of atherosclerosis.

21. Virgin olive oil

Olive oil is the basis of the Mediterranean diet, and this type of diet is associated with the prevention of diseases due to age and prolongation of human life. Instead of getting fat from the wrong sources, focus on a diet rich in olive oil. For example, a leafy vegetable salad with olive oil or a tomato sauce with olive oil in the long run for long-term benefits such as unclogging arteries and overall heart health. Monounsaturated fatty acids will protect you from heart disease and stroke in general.

According to a scientific study where spices such as cinnamon, black pepper, ginger, turmeric and many others have been tested, the conclusion is that their effects on atherosclerosis are very promising. Specialized doses of these spices will likely treat atherosclerosis patients, or will likely reduce the risk of those who are predisposed to this ailment.

22. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a prominent spice mostly because of the wonderful aroma it provides in combination with vanilla pudding, or freshly baked cinnamon rolls. In type 2 diabetics, with only 1 gram of daily intake, blood markers will likely improve. Cinnamon also controls the balance between good and bad cholesterol, and thus blood pressure. In short, it optimizes heart function and controls atherosclerosis.

23. Black pepper

The properties of black pepper as a subject of research, according to the study, are promising considering the improved lipid status, cholesterol balance, and blood pressure in rats, ie all risk factors for developing atherosclerosis.

24. Chili

 Has an anti-inflammatory effect on the tissues of the organs, while the active capsaicin helps clear the plaque of the arteries, so it can be said that it has a role in maintaining the purity of the arteries.

25. Turmeric

 Antioxidant action maintains the health of the walls of the arteries in the fight against atherosclerosis, with at least one cup of turmeric tea per day.

26. Ginger

 Optimizes circulation and prevents blood clots and accumulation of arteries with plaque.

27. Coffee

If negative reasons prevailed in your dilemmas whether and why not coffee, now I reveal to you another reason why “yes”! Coffee is natural and contains antioxidants that find their way to their goal. Even though you may not know it , up to two cups of coffee a day is not threatening to your heart, but a factor in reducing the chances of atherosclerosis. Remember, find the dose called "in medias res".

28. Green tea

Green, long-popular tea has impressive benefits. This is tea for both winter and summer. All the power is due to the flavonoid antioxidants and anti-cyanides of green tea that optimize the work of the heart system. Hence, this tea helps the body's metabolic function, impaired lipid profile, unbalanced blood pressure and prevents the development of various cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis. Moreover, the phytochemicals studied in this tea have the function of diuretics and calcium channel blockers.

29. Canola oil

Canola oil is derived from the seeds of the plant, and the advantage of this oil is the high level of unsaturated fats and Omega 3 fatty acids from any other oil. In this way, it has an effective effect on cholesterol, high blood pressure, and inflammation, ie they are beneficial in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

30. Chocolate and cocoa

Of course, I was thinking of you too - lovers of chocolate flavors and aromas. A healthy diet does not exclude a healthy dessert from quality chocolate or cocoa. Chocolate products are polyphenolic components that stimulate nitric oxide for healthy arteries, without plaque, damaged walls, and inflammation.

Foods To Unclog Arteries Fast

Dietary discipline is the key when treating a health problem. Dietary disorder in many respects contributes to any disease progression. In addition, read how to alleviate your condition with atherosclerosis through diet, ie how to break down the plague in the arteries through daily routines. Foods that unclog arteries are just at hand, so try these routines for a while.

  • Avocado

Choose avocados, at least 3 times a week. A suggestion on how to combine this package of healthy fats is the following:

For breakfast, cut avocado slices and add them to your sandwich instead of high-calorie, unhealthy spread. If you prefer to start the day with a fresh detox smoothie, then add avocado, a little seed mix and you are good to go. Make guacamole sauce - add olive, garlic, chopped tomato and so on in a strong combination in the fight against atherosclerosis.

  • Pomegranate juice

Exhaust the best of pomegranate juice. For a fresh start, every morning grab pomegranate juice to repair your arteries, and its bombastic values ​​will start dissolving the plague from the arteries for a very short period of time.

Plan for fatty fish and other seafood

Eat seafood three times a week. On the first day, bake fresh mackerel with garlic and olive oil, you can also add cruciferous vegetables. The second time prepares the risotto with seafood, while on the third day, fry a piece of fresh salmon in olive oil, each side for 10 minutes.

  • Citrus water

You will get the required daily dose of citrus beneficial compounds by drinking citrus juices enriched daily with water throughout the day, for example, lemon water, or other citrus juices mixed in a jug full of water.

Combine powerful teas

Teas are certainly good for the body whether you are prone to clogging of the arteries or not. Start each day with a freshly brewed cup of turmeric tea, ginger tea, or green tea. Sweeten them as you wish, and you can also add cinnamon for the magic of scents.

  • Olive oil

Olive oil should be considered as a base to make the fried food variant a healthy option. In the morning, consume one tablespoon of olive oil. Do not leave out the daily portion of fresh salad, too.

In the end, the above-counted foods, fruits, vegetables, beverages, meats, are not only good for dealing with cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, but also for the overall health of the human body. At the very least, delicious pomegranates, juicy apples, fresh broccoli and cauliflower, aromatic spices such as turmeric and ginger and all the more or less mentioned will have a great effect on the prevention of this disease.


Patricia Johnson

She is a personal professional trainer, health and fitness blogger that can transform your life and one of her biggest dreams is to see people healthier. Her articles incorporate in-depth exercise evaluation, nutrition advice based on scientific research and she strongly believes that her readers can achieve amazing health results without the guilt of complexity.
This content is only for educational and informational purposes. It should not be considered as medical advice or taken as a treatment instead of one from a licensed physician. All readers should consult their doctors or certified health professionals before taking any advice from this site and applying it to their condition. We do not take responsibility for possible health issues of any person following the content in this informational website. All the viewers of this site should consult their physicians or doctors before taking on any supplement, diet, nutrition, or lifestyle program.
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